Sandhya Gokal
Healthy Eating coach

Play your own healthy eating game
Do healthy eating - YOUR way

Escape the sugar rush
Increase your energy, and take back control over how much sugar you eat

Master the self-love challenge
Learn the skill of loving yourself.
Hint: it's not just about looking in the mirror and saying "I love myself"
i can help you change your eating habits
Hi! I'm Sandhya, a healthy eating coach and pharmacist of 12 years. I help guide you to better energy, better glucose control and just feeling damn good to be in your amazing body.
Let's face it - It can be really hard to make healthy food choices once you start adulting. Life kicks in, and having to plan and prepare all your food becomes too hard. Soon, eating healthy gets pushed aside's restrictive and makes you feel like you have to give up everything you love.

Do you ever feel....

Like you hate how you eat, and would do anything to change, but just can't seem to escape the pattern?

Ashamed at your inability to make healthy food choices even though you have type 2 diabetes and you know your food directly impacts your glucose control?

Like it's a constant battle to eat healthy because everything and everyone is trying to lead you back down into the world of temptation?
If this sounds like you, you're in the right place

What a healthy eating coach does
I've quit sugar, mastered mindful eating, reversed type 2 diabetes and increased my body confidence.
And now I help people who are emotional eaters, overeaters, have type 2 diabetes and just want to get a hold of their sugar addiction do the same!
In fact, healthy eating is just something me and my clients do effortlessly now.
You might call us...Healthy Eating Heroes!!
(This is me in my Healthy Eating Superhero outfit.)
Am I seriously saying I can help you change your eating habits?
Hell. Yes.
You know you want to eat healthier

But your path to healthy eating is littered with monsters lurking behind that tree, waiting to trip you up
Gremlins giggle sneakily as they wave temptation in front of your face (like that one over there)

​​​Gnomes grin maliciously as they stick a foot out and cause you to stumble into delicious burger land
Evil elves sweetly lead you in circles through a forest filled with detours and potholes, chocolate and lollipops, leaving you hopelessly lost (I orange faced green haired little man...) ​

All you need is your guide (that's me!), holding the lantern aloft to shine the light on your chosen path.
I lead you to treasure chests holding:
Healing potions for all those past moments that made you eat how you eat now
Shields to protect you when you're in stressful situations that normally make you binge eat
Weapons to fight against the monsters that plague you - the Sugar Craving monster, the Emotional Eating monster, or the Shame monster.
To cut through the tangle of vines in the form of stories you tell yourself, I hand you the axe to sort through the madness and change the narrative.
When we work together, you'll find CLARITY and have immediate access to WISDOM bestowerd upon me by my years as a pharmacist and a coach.
By having me as your coach, you will find fun and laughter in a journey normally littered with overwhelm, stress, anxiety and fear.
In other words....

I guide you to make healthier food choices effortlessly, breaking the habit of emotional eating and giving you boundless energy